Rick and Monique

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hiatus and more of Webster's Conundrums

They call it an "Hiatus."  I guess I've been on one.  I suppose writers suffer blocks of one sort or another.  

I was denied a proof-writing job and that might've contributed.  We all think we're better writers than we are, and we all think we're skilled enough not to be rejected, right?  Most of us will tell each other to get used to disappointment until it happens and then we can't figure out what advice works best.  I can tell you that proof-writing gigs don't come easy.  I had to know Chicago proofing style, and I didn't.  Amateurs like myself should break the books out as often as we do the pen.  Maybe I'm a better writer than proofer.  I'm learning.  There's a lot to know.  Someone out of the Windy City had a greater feel for punctuation than I do apparently.

I don't care about that much anymore though.  I've got more on the plate.  I've got financial situations and friends who are sick.  Of course there's the brooding twelve pound turkey who's death might serve my thankful family well next week.  And well, I took time out to learn how to make biscuits from scratch.  I suppose there's a Chicago Style biscuit to go with the Chicago Style proofing fascist, but mine tasted good anyway.  Soft, warm butter and some huckleberry honey took me to biscuit heaven and I'm originally from Southern California.  Chicago.  Pffffft.

I worked one night at my part time job, and I asked a man, "How's it goin'?"  He replied, "It's a day!"

I don't know what that means.  What does a day have to do with how one is?  He deflected, I get that.  He was probably just fine, but that's more than he wanted me to know.  Someone else replied with equal mystery, "All in a day!"

I don't get it.  All in what day?  Because my Sunday is different than my Monday.

Someone else answered my question about their day saying, "Jiggy."  Huh?  I've also heard, "Fair to partly cloudy," an equally deflective answer, understanding the fact that weather people can't give a clear answer about weather.

I said, "Hello," to someone who replied with two hello's back to me, "Hello Hello," he said as if there were two of me.  I've heard, "Not bad, not bad," as if there are two of them.  I've heard greetings go like, "Hey hey!"  Someone answered my question about their well-being with a "fine, fine."  Does repetition serve to superfluously convince me about your status?

I don't know how to answer the question except for, "I've been on Hiatus."  Except that's not entirely true.  I'm fully engaged.  

Webster says "hiatus" means, 

A gap or interruption in space, time, or continuity; a break.

Am I allowed to be sick of writing for a bit?

All in a day, I suppose.  All in a day the Lord has made.  Might as well be glad and rejoice in it.

So I'm happy to be writing again.

I was on hiatus because I didn't know how to answer the question.  "It's a day," what else can I say?


Kristen Torres-Toro said...
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Kristen Torres-Toro said...

I understand completely! Sometimes all we really need is a good haitus. Glad it worked out!